You will absolutely love those Arsene Wenger’s words to Leo Messi

Arsenal coach Arsene Wenger has said today that anyone who loves football, also love Lionel Messi.
Messi will play in the World Cup next year in Russia and for this fact, Wenger is happy.
Argengina’s wizard failed in last World Cup to win in final after being defeated by Germany.
Messi scored three goals in the Argentine’s final elimination match against Ecuador to bring his national team into to the World Cup.
Image result for wenger and messi
And, Wenger is happy with Messi’s latest archievment.
“Personally, I am very happy to see that Messi will play in the World Cup”.
”If you love football, you love to see Messi playing. If you love football, you also love Argentina”, said the Frenchman.
Image result for wenger and messi
You will absolutely love those Arsene Wenger’s words to Leo Messi You will absolutely love those Arsene Wenger’s words to Leo Messi Reviewed by Lyrical on November 10, 2017 Rating: 5

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