Incredible: Monkey starts the match in this championship

Animal rights activists have criticized the Japanese championship recently.
That’s because a match at the Japanese soccer championship was started by a monkey.
Also, this monkey dressed in Cerezo Osaka’s shirt, brought the ball to refeere, Hiromu Kimura to start the match.
The monkey was extremely confused at the stadium, after hearing the cheers of more than 47,000 fans present.
 Referee Hiromu Kimura receives the ball from the monkey before J League clash between Cerezo Osaka and Vissel Kobe
This happened in the match, Cerezo Osaka – Vissel Kobe, where Lukas Podolski plays.
“Peta” – People on the ethics of animal treatments ordered the Japanese Federation to retire the monkey.
A spokesperson blasted: “This stunt defies the very spirit of football – a fair game between willing participants.
“For the monkey, who’s being used as a living prop, it’s no game.
 The monkey is then encouraged to deliver the match ball to the referee
“Usually in such cases, animals are under the threat of violence with an electric shock prod, and often, their teeth are removed.
“Monkeys forced to perform at events are usually taken away from their mothers shortly after birth – a heart-breaking trauma from which neither they nor their loving mothers ever fully recover – and are deprived of everything that’s natural and important to them.
“To get them to perform silly tricks, trainers break their spirits through methods involving the fear of punishment.
“PETA urges the J League to call a red card on using animals for any stunts and to retire this monkey to an accredited sanctuary where he or she can enjoy some semblance of a natural life.”
 A chained monkey was used to showcase a J League clash on Sunday
Incredible: Monkey starts the match in this championship Incredible: Monkey starts the match in this championship Reviewed by Lyrical on November 29, 2017 Rating: 5

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